Playing Violin in Guatemala

by Parker Gadd

Before I went to Guatemala on a medical humanitarian trip about a month ago, my teacher urged me to take my violin on the trip and play for the people of Guatemala. My parents didn’t really give me a choice, but I would like to think that I would have said yes.

Anyways, I took my violin to the airport and took it with me on the plane ride. When we arrived in Houston for our layover, my dad told me that I should play my violin in the airport to earn money towards expenses we had in Guatemala.

At first, I was too nervous, but after a while, I decided to do it. When I started playing, it was amazing how many people donated. A US congressman even gave me his pen! By the time someone told me we actually weren’t allowed to do stuff like that in the airport, I had raised over a hundred dollars!

While we were in Guatemala, I played for the people waiting outside the clinic, and I could tell by their reactions that hearing music was a special treat for them. Although I couldn’t understand what they said, I got the overall message that they really appreciated what I did. I am so grateful for the experiences I made down in Guatemala, and I hope I can make some more next year.

Parker is a 12 year old violinist and a student at Franklin Suzuki Academy.  

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